“are there any must-have gadgets that the hacker news community highly recommends?”
Summary of results
Hacker news is how I find things worth reading these days. If this place didn't exist my internet consumption would be cut in half (at least).
Hacker News is the only aggregator I consistently check. I consider it my secret weapon. It exposes me to a variety of important technical ideas, which helps me stay on top of my part of the industry.
Would be great to see a "Hacker News Approved" buyer's guide for various products. Like Wirecutter but written by people who actually know what they're talking about.
Wirecutter is pretty good imho! (A person on) Hacker News approved! ;)
Hackernews is primarily software. Hackaday could help
Hacker News is a brilliant resource to discover new digital tech innovations and research that solve / progress problems we know of.
I'm wondering what platforms our community recommends for finding new problems to solve?
Not quite specific to entrepreneurship, but a while ago someone shared their project of a site that lists the most recommended books on hackernews [1]. The most recommended books are there for easy reference.
[1] HackerNews Readings: https://hacker-recommended-books.vercel.app/category/0/all-t...
You consider hackernews news or no?
One cannot recommend Hackers enough. In many ways, the stories on Hackernews’ front page are the ripples of the events chronicled by Levy.
hacker news moment
this is hackernews
Hacker News: News for nerds, stuff that matters.
Hacker News readers would never buy nonsense due to trendy niche marketing.
Unrelated did anyone see the latest teenage engineering gear at CES?
> On-Topic: Anything that good hackers would find interesting.
Hackernews Show HN or Producthunt?
good idea. that's precisely the stuff I'm coming to hacker news for.
Better yet, is it at all feasible to do at home for a Hacker News type with the right equipment and not breaking the bank?
Does this qualify as actual hacker news?
You should see this recent post [1], it has good advice on getting traction on hacker news.