“is microsoft bing improving?”
Summary of results
Are you saying Microsoft doesn't have enough money to make Bing better? How many dollars would it cost to make Bing better?
Yes! Bing is finding its footing and is introducing nifty value-adds.
But, that has taken a long time, during which it was mostly the butt of jokes.
So, not saying all of these were abject failures and a few are still around and doing OK (Surface) or better (Bing). But, I'd argue that the projects were so rushed and reactionary that they were delivered compromised, embarrassed, and with too little direction and advocacy.
Oh, and I'd like to add Microsoft Store to the list.
Bing has actually gotten better in recent years. I like the results and UI, the integration with 365 makes it nice for work.
I mainly use Duckduckgo and Startpage but sometimes Bing, especially in Edge.
I've been using Bing for a few weeks now it is not all the way there yet but so far the experience is more gratifying than Google. The results seem to be better and there is less ads on top the search results. Their AI integration is also well accomplished. No complains there...
Bing is well known for being Microsoft's 'dogfood' candidate for new versions of .NET.
How exactly is it bing? Refaced and operated by microsoft? Refaced and scrapped results from bing? Any more info on this?
Maybe its time for Microsoft to invest a bit more in Bing ...
I've really gotten frustrated with google over the years and I've switched to Bing. Is Microsoft better? Probably not, but I'm a researcher, and I search fast and significantly. Google is constantly asking me to verify if I'm a human, Bing doesn't do that. I recognize that may be an individual issue, but on a broader spectrum, Bing works well.
I suspect Microsoft isn't investing resources neither in evolving Bing nor in keeping it up to date. Probably it doesn't bring them much money and they are letting it wither and die.
Edge/Bing/Win is getting more and more annoying.
The rest is pretty good. Microsoft has many heads - some are benevolent, some are not.
Bing adoption. Microsoft wants to get a bigger piece of the ad pie, and they hired a former Yandex exec to run it if I'm not mistaken.
Metaculus estimates [1] that Bing's marketshare will rise from 3.03% on Jan 15 to 4.07% by Dec 31, 2023, and it's trending up slightly as Microsoft's plans become more concrete.
[1] https://www.metaculus.com/questions/14409/bing-search-market...
It's just Bing under the hood so doesn't fix anything, unless you say Bing is actually better.
Bing had been heavily using .NET Framework and has migrated to .NET Core/.NET since then with great results: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/search?query=Bing&blog=%2Fdot...
When the new bing launched, I decided to switch from Firefox/Google to a predominately Edge/Bing flow. It it is mostly fine, The Edge browser is a good web browser. But Bing just doesn't display results in the right order, where as Google does. They still have the sauce.
That being said, The progress that Bing is making is wonderful. Bing works great on granular searches though.
But google (nor bing) return the pages you're looking for even close to as reliably now as they did before. If Microsoft can somehow work out the issues with factual accuracy in the gpt interface (and salvage the bing brand) they're going to have a winning product on their hands.
Microsoft is securing their position with Azure. It definitely keeps getting better in ways that work well for their customers.
Windows is the linchpin in that strategy so I don't understand why they've moved organizationally moved it so far away. It's relegated to being Bing adjacent.
Microsoft should buy them out and add bing to get a bang for the buck. Building functional software as a ex tortion tool for intentionally dysfunctional ecosystems. 2024..
Over the last few weeks searching for images I found Bing to be alot better and remind of the old days of Google.
I found more value in its results than Google. And I don't even like Microsoft.
that uses Bing
Have people used BING lately? It's still not good - but maybe it will improve.
Google search has just gotten worse and is more ad prone. It's still better, but not golden age google - not even close.
It uses Microsoft's indexer and is basically a Bing frontend.
Why would MS add it to bing? MS does not control the web browser anymore, but they do control the windows default search box. Why would they enter in competition with google when they can steal people's attention to their own ecosystem? It would be more valuable for them to add it there, and integrate it with windows applications. Windows would become a super-app. Google can still curate the web, which is now just a training dataset
Tried Browse with Bing a few times, but unlike the normal conversations with Bing, the results from Browse with Bing other than being more up-to-date presumably, gave seemingly very generic answers based on if I had simply searched rather than using all it's power like normal and simply including the latest up-to-date data and took a while to run. So it's a start and hopefully that feature will improve as it enters this new stage.
It is Bing, but they seem to use different ranking and filtering on the index.vIf you make complex queries it is quite obvious. Since they have zero transparency the details of their system and deal with bing is unclear.
Bing has also included AI-powered search results since last year: https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2023/02/07/reinventing-sear...
Yahoo has used Microsoft's Bing search engine to power results since 2009.
Wow, looks like Microsoft's investment in OpenAI is going to pay off big.
Finally BING will one up Google in search. That is great! Some competition in the space is always good for the enduser.
Maybe Bing is managed by the same people that haven't managed to get Windows search right despite trying for many, many years?
Is there a chance that Microsoft can make an offer to Mozilla about making bing the default search in this case. I don't know if this would make sense from Microsoft business point of view and probably an evil from internet freedom ans diversity point. But maybe it is better than the current status.
Yes and those results don’t have to be just better. They have to be clearly better as you stated. The likliehood of that happening any time soon is close to zero.
I personally use Bing for 95% of my searches and have done so since it launched. Or re-launched.
There's been a lot of news today about Microsoft integrating ChatGPT into Bing: https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/4/23538552/microsoft-bing-ch...